Friday, February 25, 2011

Second Snowshoe Success!

Hello all,

Yesterday's snowshoe was a blast. The weather was beautiful, cold but sunny, and after Jon Wescott handed out the snowshoes and everyone was strapped into them, we headed off.

We tromped down the trail, following it into the woods and along the river. The soft sound of everyone's snowshoes scuffing the trail was our constant companion, making it unlikely that we would see any wildlife, although we did see plenty of tracks. Some of the kids kept stopping to pick up leaves and sticks on the trail which slowed us a little, but it was nice to see they were enjoying themselves.

Then we stopped under a huge oak and Jon started up his kettle boiler for hot chocolate. The kids were very inquisitive about how it worked, and looked like they liked snapping twigs into small bits to fuel the fire.

As I said in an earlier post, when I was little Jon taught at a school I went to, and he used to take us on the most amazing field trips. We'd adventure up North and go dog sledding and hiking and skiing in the woods, and I loved it. Jon always had a knack for making it seem like a grand adventure. And as I sat watching Jon feed the fire in the kettle, that feeling rushed back to me and I felt like I was ten years old, on one of those magnificent field trips again.

Then the water was boiling and Jon poured out the cocoa and we served it up. We all sat and sipped our hot drinks, while a few kids played around the big oak. Then we headed off again, back towards home.

All in all it was just as much fun as the last one.

Thanks so much to Jon for having the idea of the snowshoe, and for heading our expedition! I really appreciate it. And thanks also to everyone who came! Thank you so much for your support and contributions. I hope you enjoyed the snowshoe as much as I did.



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